Monday, January 16, 2012

So I'm Eating Salad Now

Dude, what the hell is going on here?  I'm a blogger???  I'm starting this at the request of a buddy, but admittedly, it's been on my mind for sometime.  Not blogging necessarily, but some way of explaining my inner thoughts to others, or even just getting them off of my freaking chest for my own sake.  So with this opening post, I'm gonna start with a brief but honest background of me.  If you are easily thrown off, please don't read because I'm not out to hurt your conscience, but I am out to talk freely about sin and redemption.

So, for starters, I'm a man who has been best known for things that really don't mean jack shit in the broad scale of things.  I'm a recovering heroine addict.  I drink too much sometimes.  I'm not nearly as loving as I would like to be.  On and on and on.......  WHY AM I SAYING THIS???

Because for starters, my entire life has been surrounded by a "natural" family that has supported me through the depths of my depravity, and they have loved me unconditionally.  Most importantly, I was drawn to a God who is so much bigger and loving than I can explain with my tiny understanding of Him, and He has not stopped doing His crazy and awesome work with me since He started.  And last, but def not least, He has thrown me into a body of other believers who are just as supportive and loving as the whole "natural" family I was blessed with to begin with!  We are open.  We are as honest as we can be.  We pray.  I AM NOT ASHAMED BECAUSE OF HIM! 

Am I sin-free?  No, but I am free from my sins.  I'm really just putting this out there as another way to be transparent to the people who need to find encouragement from a self admitted screw up like myself.  As my life and inevitable struggles continue, I will try to find a way to express my thoughts as I work through them myself.  I do know this, I'm being changed by His grace.  That is not cliche, I promise you.  It is the Truth from the depths of my heart.  I'm actually changing so much, I'm eating salad now, as the title promised. 

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